Haldi Chandan Bleach - KVM Beauty

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Bleach off@-40% price_₹ 199
Haldi Chandan Bleach

Haldi Chandan Bleach

Bleach off@-40% price_₹ 199
Short Description:

Product Description

                                Haldi Chandan Bleach

KVM Haldi Chandan Bleach is a natural ingredient-based product. This is helpful to clean, purifying, antibacterial Haldi (Turmeric) and soothing, anti-aging Chandan (Sandalwood). Regular use helps clarify and smoothen skin texture, as acne and blemishes are reduced in intensity and frequency.

How to use KVM Bleach:

1. Wash the face (area to be bleached) with tap water and dry it.

2. Scoop out two heaped spatulas (5 gm) of Cream Bleach onto a plastic tray, Sprinkle 3 pinches (1 gm) of Powder Activator on the cream and mix it well.

3. Apply this mixture to the area to be bleached. Be particular that any area should not remain uncovered. Avoid application on eyebrows and around eyes.

4. Keep body area covered with a mixture for 15 minutes. For excess dark hair, extend this time for 5 more minutes.

5. Remove and wash the mixture with tap water. Do not use soap for 5 hours.

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